14 February 2013

Why I Love My Wife

I have never really understood these "link-up" things, but The Practicing Catholic is hosting one today that seems like a worthwhile cause, considering it is the feast of St. Valentine (but only in the old calendar -- I think this means that only those of us who follow the old calendar should be allowed to celebrate!):

Without further ado, here are five of the many reasons why I love my wife:
  1. She is a fantastic mother.  In a very short time, she has become quite adept at handling four young children at once, while still managing to find time to get dinner on the table and clothes washed.  She finds time for the big kids in between the twins' nursing sessions.  I don't think there has been a single day since the twins were born that I have come home to anyone screaming (with the possible exception of John Paul, being a ridiculous three-year-old).  Need I say more?
  2. She loves me in spite of my many faults.  I am not always the easiest person to live with (I know, you're shocked to hear this) for any number of reasons, but she puts up with it and loves me anyway.
  3. She loves her Faith.  In fact, she loves it so much that she started me down the path toward the Church some ten and a half years ago.  Now, she loves it so much that our kids are well on their way to religious life.
  4. She is amazing at her "other" job.  Seriously, I can't even imagine dealing with dozens of middle school girls on a daily basis, but she does so with ease -- and gets them to sing well, to boot.  All while swearing she enjoys it!
  5. She's beautiful.  Seriously.  (Ignore the pictures of the kids, though they're pretty cute too.)
Even after all these years, I still want to be around her -- I guess that means she's a keeper :-).  Happy Valentine's Day, Rosie -- I love you so much!


Joel said...

Andrew, thanks so much for joining in and linking up! Peace and blessings to you, Rosie, and your family.

Jamie said...

This is SO SWEET. I'm glad you appreciate how amazing Rosie is - because let me tell ya, our kids are the same ages except there's only 3 of them, and I've already called my husband at work in tears begging him to come home ASAP. Screaming when he walks in the door?? That's practically a given :)

143Record said...

Thanks for writing this